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O’Sullivan, Emer Translating Pictures Gillian Lathey (ed.) The Translation of Children’s Literature: A Reader translation, picture books, visual literacy Dettagli
O’Sullivan, Emer More Than the Sum of Its Parts? Synergy and Picturebook Translation Elena di Giovanni, Chiara Elefante, Roberta Pederzoli (eds.) Écrire et traduire pour les enfants : voix, images et mots - Writing and translating for children: Voices, images and texts translation, picture books, visual literacy Dettagli
O’Sullivan, Emer Englishness in German translations of Alice in Wonderland Luc van Doorslaer, Peter Flynn, Joep Leerssen (eds.) Interconnecting Translation Studies and Imagology translation, Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, Germany, Great Britain, cultural mediation Dettagli
O’Connell, Eithne Translating for Children Gillian Lathey (ed.) The Translation of Children’s Literature: A Reader translation, literary criticism Dettagli
O’Connell, Eithne Ecocriticism, ecopedagogy and the life and works of Beatrix Potter Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature ecocriticism, ecopedagogy, Beatrix Potter, British literature Dettagli
Oittinen, Riitta Kääntäjä kääntää kuvia Kaisu Rättyä, Raija Raussi (eds.) Tutkiva katse kuvakirjaan - Critical perspectives on picture books translation, picture books, visual literacy Dettagli
Oittinen, Riitta From Thumbelina to Winnie-the-Pooh: Pictures, Words, and Sounds Maria Gonzales Davies, Riitta Oittinen (eds.) Whose Story? Translating the Verbal and the Visual in Literature for Young Readers translation, picture books, multimodal translation, visual literacy Dettagli
Nodelman, Perry Illustration and Picture Books Peter Hunt (ed.) International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature picture books, illustration, visual literacy Dettagli
Nikolajeva, Maria The Verbal and the Visual as a Medium Roger Sell (ed.) Children’s Literature as Communication: the ChiLPA Project picture books, theory, visual literacy Dettagli
Nières-Chevrel, Isabelle Littérature de jeunesse et traduction : pour une mise en perspective historique Nic Diament, Corinne Gibello, Laurence Kiéfé (eds.) Traduire les livres pour la jeunesse. Enjeux et spécifités translation, history, French literature Dettagli
Ní Bhroin, Ciara Recovery of origins: identity and ideology in the work of O.R. Melling Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature literary criticism, identity, ideology, O.R. Melling Dettagli
McGillis, Roderick Reactivating the Ear: Orality and Children's Poetry Charlotte Otten, Gary D. Schmidt (eds.) The Voice of the Narrator in Children's Literature poetry, orality, poetics Dettagli
McGillicuddy, Áine Out of the Hitler time: growing up in exile Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature childhood, ideology, politics, Nazism, Germany Dettagli
Lewis, David The Interaction of Word and Image in Picturebooks Peter Hunt (ed.) Children’s Literature: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies picture books, theory, visual literacy Dettagli
Lewis, C. S. On Three Ways of Writing for Children Virginia Haviland (ed.) Children and Literature. Views and Reviews literary criticism, audience Dettagli
Leonelli, Silvia Pensarsi femmine e maschi, diventare ragazze e ragazzi. L’educazione di genere a scuola Simonetta Ulivieri (ed.) Insegnare nella scuola secondaria. Per una declinazione della professionalità docente gender studies, education, teaching Dettagli
Le Juez, Brigitte Young women dealing with abuse: Catherine Breillat’s cinematic perspective on Bluebeard Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature Catherine Breillat, film studies, women studies Dettagli
Lallouet, Marie Des livres pour les garçons et pour les filles : quelles politiques éditoriales ? Isabelle Nières-Chevrel (ed.) Littérature de jeunesse, incertaines frontières gender studies, editorial policy, French literature Dettagli
Kurultay, Turgay Probleme und Strategien bei der kinderliterarischen Übersetzung im Rahmen der interkulturellen Kommunikation Hans-Heino Ewers, Gertrud Lehnert, Emer O’Sullivan (eds.) Kinderliteratur im interkulturellen Prozess: Studien zur allgemeinen und vergleichender Kinderliteraturwissenschaft translation, culture, Turkish literature, Germany Dettagli
Kuivasmäki, Riitta International Influence on the Nineteenth Century Finnish Children’s Literature Maria Nikolajeva (ed.) Aspects and Issues in the History of Children’s Literature Finnish literature, history, XX century Dettagli
Keyes, Marian Thérèse Paratexts and gender politics: a study of selected works by Anna Maria Fielding Hall Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature Anna Maria Fielding Hall, paratext, politics, gender studies Dettagli
Jentsch, Nancy K. Harry Potter and the Tower of Babel: Translating the Magic Gillian Lathey (ed.) The Translation of Children's Literature. A Reader Harry Potter, translation, magic, British literature Dettagli
Ippolito, Margherita The Relationship Between Text and Illustrations: Translating Beatrix Potter’s Little Books into Italian Elena di Giovanni, Chiara Elefante, Roberta Pederzoli (eds.) Écrire et traduire pour les enfants : voix, images et mots - Writing and translating for children: Voices, images and texts Beatrix Potter, translation, picture books, Italian language, visual literacy, British literature Dettagli
Ippolito, Margherita Translation of Culture-Specific Items in Children's Literature: The Case of Beatrix Potter Pat Pinsent (ed.) No Child is an Island: The Case of Children’s Translation translation, culture, Beatrix Potter, British literature Dettagli
Ippolito, Margherita Tradurre l'oralità nei libri per l'infanzia Rosella Mallardi (ed.) Literary Translation and Beyond / Traduzione letteraria e oltre. La traduzione come negoziazione dell'alterità orality, translation, literature Dettagli