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Adams, Sarah Translating Monsters Deborah Hallford, Edgardo Zaghini (eds.) Outside in: Children’s Books in Translation France, Great Britain, genre, theory, translation, literary criticism Dettagli
Beauvais Clémentine Little tweaks and fundamental changes: two aspects of socio-political transformation in children’s literature Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature sociology, politics, literary criticism Dettagli
O’Connell, Eithne Ecocriticism, ecopedagogy and the life and works of Beatrix Potter Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature ecocriticism, ecopedagogy, Beatrix Potter, British literature Dettagli
de Rijke, Victoria Creaturely life: biopolitical intensity in selected children’s fables Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature biopolitics, fairy tales, literary criticism Dettagli
Springer, Olga That imprudent Old Person of Chili’: individual and They in Edward Lear’s limericks Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature literary criticism, British literature, limericks Dettagli
Herron, Anne Marie Don’t let the fire go out’: echoes of the past, aspirations for the future in the teenage novels of Eilís Dillon Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature literary criticism, young adults, Eilís Dillon Dettagli
Ní Bhroin, Ciara Recovery of origins: identity and ideology in the work of O.R. Melling Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature literary criticism, identity, ideology, O.R. Melling Dettagli
Shau Ming Tan, Susan Distant districts and dark days: national identity in The hunger games Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature literary criticism, identity, ideology, Hunger Games, Suzan Collins Dettagli
Galway Elizabeth A. You are the hope of the world!’: the figure of the child in First World War children’s literature Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature childhood, ideology, First World War Dettagli
D’Eath, Jessica A noi!: the emergence of the gallant Fascist in Italian children’s literature of the inter-war period Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature childhood, ideology, politics, Fascism, Italy, Italian literature Dettagli
McGillicuddy, Áine Out of the Hitler time: growing up in exile Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature childhood, ideology, politics, Nazism, Germany Dettagli
Keyes, Marian Thérèse Paratexts and gender politics: a study of selected works by Anna Maria Fielding Hall Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature Anna Maria Fielding Hall, paratext, politics, gender studies Dettagli
Le Juez, Brigitte Young women dealing with abuse: Catherine Breillat’s cinematic perspective on Bluebeard Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature Catherine Breillat, film studies, women studies Dettagli
Rana, Marion Sexual violence and rape myths in contemporary young adult fiction Marian Thérèse Keyes, Áine McGillicuddy (eds.) Politics and Ideology in Children’s Literature violence, women studies, young adults, gender studies Dettagli
Beard, Luna, Jacqueline S. Du Toit‬‬ A Proactive Approach to the Translation of Bible Stories for Children André Clas (eds) Pour une traductologie proactive translation, proactive approach, Bible, cognitive poetics, South Africa, picture books, Hebrew language, psychology, cognitive linguistics Dettagli
Guerrini, Valentina Bambine e bambini a scuola: educare alla differenza di genere per una società inclusiva Michele Corsi, Simonetta Ulivieri (eds.) Progetto generazioni. Bambini e anziani: due stagioni della vita a confronto gender studies, education, teaching Dettagli
Blezza Picherle, Silvia È lo stile che fa la differenza Silvia Blezza Picherle (ed.) Raccontare ancora. La scrittura e l’editoria per ragazzi literary criticism, writing, editorial policies Dettagli
Blezza, Picherle Silvia Tra rimpianti, perplessità e speranze Silvia Blezza Picherle (ed.) Raccontare ancora. La scrittura e l’editoria per ragazzi literary criticism, editorial policies, Italy Dettagli
Boero, Pino La sfida della scrittura: un trentennio di autori per l’infanzia Silvia Blezza Picherle (ed.) Raccontare ancora. La scrittura e l’editoria per ragazzi literary criticism, editorial policies, Italy Dettagli
Archinto, Rosellina Perché un libro illustrato per bambini? Silvia Blezza Picherle (ed.) Raccontare ancora. La scrittura e l’editoria per ragazzi literary criticism, editorial policies, Italy, picture books Dettagli
Bogoslaw, Laurence, Carmen Valero Garcés Imaginación, traducción y globalización: el caso de Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets José Santiago Fernández Vázquez, Ana Isabel Labra Cenitagoya, Esther Lasso y León (eds.) Realismo social y mundos imaginarios: una convivencia para el siglo XXI translation, Harry Potter, British literature, Spanish language, culture, Spain Dettagli
Antonini, Rachele ‘Non-professional Interpreting and Translation’ and ‘Child Language Brokering’ Franz Pochhacker (ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies non-professional interpreting, non-professional translation, linguistic mediation, cultural mediation, child language brokering, childhood, child, adult Dettagli
Heikkilä-Halttunen, Päivi Satunnaisesta poiminnasta käännöstulvaan - lasten ja nuortenkirjallisuuden käännökset 1900-luvulla Hannu K. Riikonen, Urpo Kovala, Pekka Kujamäki, Outi Paloposki (eds.) Suomennoskirjallisuuden historia I–II Finnish literature, XX century, translation Dettagli
Pederzoli, Roberta Adela Turin e la collana ‘Dalla parte delle bambine’. Storia di alcuni albi illustrati militanti fra Italia e Francia, passato e presente Antonella Cagnolati (ed.) Tessere trame Narrare storie. Le donne e la scrittura per l'infanzia gender studies, picture books, Adela Turin, dalla parte delle bambine, Italian literature, translation Dettagli
Bernanoce, Marie « L’album-théâtre ? Un genre en cours de constitution Hélène Gondrand, Jean-Fraçois Massol (eds.) Texte et images dans l’album et la bande dessinée pour enfants theatre, picture books Dettagli